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Product Details:
This text provides a concise introduction to the field of animal biology. Readers discover general principles of evolution, ecology, classification, systematics, and animal body plans. After these introductory chapters, readers delve into the biology of all groups of animals. The basic features of each group are discussed, along with evolutionary relationships among group members. Chapter highlights include newly discovered features of animals as they relate to ecology, conservation biology, and value to human society. Regular updates to the phylogenies within the book keep it current.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0073524255
ISBN-13: 978-0073524252
ISBN-13: 9780073524252
Auther: Cleveland Hickman, Larry Roberts, Susan Keen, Allan Larson, David Eisenhour
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Table of Content:
1. Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity
2. Animal Ecology
3. Animal Architecture
4. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Animals
5. Unicellular
6. Sponges: Phylum Porifera Eukaryotes
7. Cnidarians and Ctenophores
8. Acoelomorpha, Platyzoa, and Mesozoa: Flatworms, Gastrotrichs, Gnathiferans, and Mesozoans
9. Polyzoa and Kryptrochozoa: Cycliophora, Entoprocta, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, Phoronida, and Nemer
10. Molluscs
11. Annelids and Allied Taxa
12. Smaller Ecdysozoans
13. Arthropods
14. Chaetognaths, Echinoderms, and Hemichordates
15. Vertebrate Beginnings: The Chordates
16. Fishes
17. The Early Tetrapods and Modern Amphibians
18. Amniote Origins and Nonavian Reptiles
19. Birds
20. Mammals
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