This is completed downloadable of Infants Toddlers and Caregivers A Curriculum of Respectful Responsive Relationship Based Care and Education 11th Edition by Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Dianne Widmeyer Eyer Solution Manual.

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Product Details:
Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers is an ideal introduction to care and education in the first three years of life, featuring a respectful approach inspired by field pioneers Magda Gerber and Dr. Emmi Pikler. The program provides practical information based on theoretical and research foundations that students can implement in a variety of infant and toddler settings. With the impacts of school readiness and technology in early childhood education today, this program focuses on the value of free play, the development of self-reliance, and the importance of responsive, respectful interactions.
Language: : English
ISBN-10: 1259870464
ISBN-13: 978-1259870460
ISBN-13: 9781259870460
Author: Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Dianne Widmeyer Eyer
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Table of Content:
Part 1
Focus on the Caregiver
Chapter 1: Principles, Practice, and Curriculum
Chapter 2: Infant-Toddler Education
Chapter 3: Caregiving as Curriculum
Chapter 4: Play and Exploration as Curriculum
Part 2
Focus on the Child
Chapter 5: Attachment
Chapter 6: Perception
Chapter 7: Motor Skills
Chapter 8: Cognition
Chapter 9: Language
Chapter 10: Emotions
Chapter 11: Social Skills
Part 3
Focus on the Program
Chapter 12 The Physical Environment
Chapter 13 The Social Environment
Chapter 14 Adult Relations in Infant-Toddler Care and Education Programs
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