This is completed downloadable of Introduction to Physical Science 14th Edition by James Shipman, Jerry D. Wilson, Charles A. Higgins and Omar Torres Solution Manual.

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Product Details:
Consistent with previous editions of AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE, the goal of the new Fourteenth Edition is to stimulate students’ interest in and gain knowledge of the physical sciences. Presenting content in such a way that students develop the critical reasoning and problem-solving skills that are needed in an ever-changing technological world, the authors emphasize fundamental concepts as they progress through the five divisions of physical sciences: physics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, and geology.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1305079132
ISBN-13: 978-1305079137
ISBN-13: 9781305079137
Author: James Shipman, Jerry D. Wilson, Charles A. Higgins and Omar Torres
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Table of Content:
1. Measurement.
2. Motion.
3. Force and Motion.
4. Work and Energy.
5. Temperature and Heat.
6. Waves and Sound.
7. Optics and Wave Effects.
8. Electricity and Magnetism.
9. Atomic Physics.
10. Nuclear Physics.
11. The Chemical Elements.
12. Chemical Bonding.
13. Chemical Reactions.
14. Organic Chemistry.
15. Place and Time.
16. The Solar System.
17. Moons and Small Solar System Bodies.
18. The Universe.
19. The Atmosphere.
20. Atmospheric Effects.
21. Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics.
22. Minerals, Rocks, and Volcanoes.
23. Surface Processes.
24. Geologic Time.
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