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Product Details:
This textbook presents labor relations as a system for balancing employment relationship goals (efficiency, equity, and voice) and the rights of labor and management. By weaving these themes with the importance of alternative perspectives on the nature of the employment relationship throughout the text, students can learn not only how the traditional labor relations processes work, but also why these processes exist and how to evaluate whether they are working. In this way, students can develop a deeper understanding of labor relations that will help them successfully navigate a contemporary labor relations system that faces severe pressures requiring new strategies, policies, and practices.
Language: : English
ISBN-10 : 9780078029431
ISBN-13 : 978-0078029431
ISBN-13 : 9780078029431
Author: John W. Budd
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Table of Content:
PART ONE: Foundations
Chapter 1. Contemporary Labor Relations: Objectives, Practices, and Challenges
Chapter 2. Labor Unions: Good or Bad?
PART TWO: The U.S. New Deal Industrial Relations System
Chapter 3. Historical Development
Chapter 4. Labor Law
Chapter 5. Labor and Management: Strategies, Structures, and Constraints
Chapter 6. Union Organizing
Chapter 7. Bargaining
Chapter 8. Impasse, Strikes, and Dispute Resolution
Chapter 9. Contract Clauses and Their Administration
PART THREE: Issues for the 21st Century
Chapter 10. Flexibility, Empowerment, and Partnership
Chapter 11. Globalization
PART FOUR: Reflection
Chapter 12. Comparative Labor Relations
Chapter 13. What Should Labor Relations Do?
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