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Product Details:
Cecchetti & Schoenholtz’s Money, Banking, and Financial Markets stays relevant and interesting through the text’s unique emphasis on the Five Core Principles, the early introduction of risk, an integrated global perspective, and the integration of FRED data in the text and problem material. By focusing on the big picture via core principles, Cecchetti & Schoenholtz teaches students the rationale for financial rules and institutional structure so that even when the financial system evolves, students’ knowledge will not be out of date. Be sure to visit the author blog at for short, informed discussions on issues in the news, as well as technical points relevant for instructors and students alike.
Language: : English
ISBN-10: 007802174X
ISBN-13: 978-0078021749
ISBN-13: 9780078021749
Author: Stephen Cecchetti, Kermit Schoenholtz
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Table of Content:
Part I: Money and the Financial System
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Money and the Financial System
Chapter 2: Money and the Payments System
Chapter 3: Financial Instruments, Financial Markets, and Financial Institutions
Part II: Interest Rates, Financial Instruments, and Financial Markets
Chapter 4: Future Value, Present Value, and Interest Rates
Chapter 5: Understanding Risk
Chapter 6: Bonds, Bond Prices, and the Determination of Interest Rates
Chapter 7: The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates
Chapter 8: Stocks, Stock Markets, and Market Efficiency
Chapter 9: Derivatives: Futures, Options, and Swaps
Chapter 10: Foreign Exchange
Part III: Financial Institutions
Chapter 11: The Economics of Financial Intermediation
Chapter 12: Depository Institutions: Banks and Bank Management
Chapter 13: Financial Industry Structure
Chapter 14: Regulating the Financial System
Part IV: Central Banks, Monetary Policy, and Financial Stability
Chapter 15: Central Banks in the World Today
Chapter 16: The Structure of Central Banks: The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank
Chapter 17: The Central Bank Balance Sheet and the Money Supply Process
Chapter 18: Monetary Policy: Stabilizing the Domestic Economy
Chapter 19: Exchange-Rate Policy and the Central Bank
Part V: Modern Monetary Economics
Chapter 20: Money Growth, Money Demand, and Modern Monetary Policy
Chapter 21: Output, Inflation, and Monetary Policy
Chapter 22: Understanding Business Cycle Fluctuations
Chapter 23: Modern Monetary Policy and the Challenges Facing Central Bankers
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