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Product Details:
The Rupert/Pope/Anderson series is unsurpassed in blending technical aspects of the most recent federal taxation mandates with maximum readability and relevance for students.
Prentice Hall’s Federal Taxation 2016 Comprehensive, Twenty-Ninth Edition has been updated to provide a better teaching and learning experiencefor you and your students.
Offer a Total Learning Solution with MyAccountingLab: MyAccountingLab not only gives students more I Get It moments, but gives instructors the flexibility to make technology an integral part of their course.
Help Students Master the Material with Strong Pedagogical Aids: Accessible learning aids enable students to apply tax principles within the chapter to real-life situations.
Keep Your Course Current: This edition is updated to include 2014 and early 2015 information.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134104374
ISBN-13: 978-0134104379
ISBN-13: 9780134104379
Author: Thomas R.Pope, Timothy J.Rupert, Kenneth E.Anderson
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Table of Content:
1. An Introduction to Taxation
2. Determination of Tax
3. Gross Income: Inclusions
4. Gross Income: Exclusions
5. Property Transactions: Capital Gains and Losses
6. Deductions and Losses
7. Itemized Deductions
8. Losses and Bad Debts
9. Employee Expenses and Deferred Compensation
10. Depreciation, Cost Recovery, Amortization, and Depletion
11. Accounting Periods and Methods
12. Property Transactions: Nontaxable Exchanges
13. Property Transactions: Section 1231 and Recapture
14. Special Tax Computation Methods, Tax Credits, and Payment of Tax
1. Tax Research
2. Corporate Formations and Capital Structure
3. The Corporate Income Tax
4. Corporate Nonliquidating Distributions
5. Other Corporate Tax Levies
6. Corporate Liquidating Distributions
7. Corporate Acquisitions and Reorganizations
8. Consolidated Tax Returns
9. Partnership Formation and Operation
10. Special Partnership Issues
11. S Corporations
12. The Gift Tax
13. The Estate Tax
14. Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates
15. Administrative Procedures
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