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Product Details:
Using simple, straightforward examples to present complex mathematical concepts, Introduction to Management Science gives students a strong foundation in how to logically approach decision-making problems. Sample problems are used liberally throughout the text to facilitate the learning process and demonstrate different quantitative techniques. Management Science presents modeling techniques that are used extensively in the business world and provides a useful framework for problem-solving that students can apply in the workplace.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0133778843
ISBN-13: 978-0133778847
ISBN-13: 9780133778847
Author: Bernard W. Taylor
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Table of Content:
1. Management Science
2. Linear Programming: Model Formulation and Graphical Solution
3. Linear Programming: Computer Solution and Sensitivity Analysis
4. Linear Programming: Modeling Examples
5. Integer Programming
6. Transportation, Transshipment, and Assignment Problems
7. Network Flow Models
8. Project Management
9. Multicriteria Decision Making
10. Nonlinear Programming
11. Probability and Statistics
12. Decision Analysis
13. Queuing Analysis
14. Simulation
15. Forecasting
16. Inventory Management
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