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Product Details:
Introduction to Information Systems provides invaluable help for learning the knowledge and skills related to information systems. In it, students see clearly what information systems are all about and why they are so fundamental to business and society.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0133571750
ISBN-13: 978-0133571752
ISBN-13: 9780133571752
Author: Patricia Wallace
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Table of Content:
1.Information Systems and People
2.Information Systems and Strategy
3.Information and Communications
4.Technologies: The Enterprise Architecture
5.Databases and Data Warehouses
6.Information Systems for the Enterprise
7.The Web, E-Commerce, and M-Commerce
8.Business Intelligence and Decision Making
9.Collaborating with Technology
10.Knowledge Management and E-Learning
11.Ethics, Privacy, and Security
12.Systems Development and Procurement
13.Project Management and Strategic Planning
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