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Product Details:
Introduction to Social Problems explores the many social issues that continue to plague the United States. Discussing and analyzing the extent and nature of various problems and their potential solutions, the book stands as a guidepost for people with an interest in “helping” professions — sociologists, educators, social workers, etc. Through a sociological lens, students are able to gauge recurrent social issues and examine the benefits and possibilities of solutions. The Tenth Edition teaches students to apply research and knowledge to solve some of our nation’s most crippling problems.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0205896464
ISBN-13: 978-0205896462
ISBN-13: 9780205896462
Author: Thomas J. Sullivan
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Table of content:
1. Approaches to the Study of Social Problems
2. Concentration of Power: Economic and Political Institutions
3. Family-Related Problems
4. Health and Illness
5. Education, Science, and Technology
6. Poverty
7. Race and Ethnic Relations
8. Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Social Inequality
9. Age and Social Inequality
10. Crime and Delinquency
11. Alcohol and Other Drugs
12. Prostitution, Pornography,and the Sex Trade
13. Population Growth and Urbanization
14. Environmental Problems
15. Violence, War, and Terrorism
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