This is completed downloadable of Focus on Personal Finance An Active Approach to Help You Develop Successful Financial Skills 4th Edition by Jack Kapoor, Les Dlabay and Robert J. Hughes Test Bank.
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Product Details:
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0078034787
ISBN-13: 978-0078034787
ISBN-13: 9780078034787
Author: Jack Kapoor, Les Dlabay and Robert J. Hughes
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Table of Content:
CHAPTER 1 Personal Financial Planning in Action
CHAPTER 2 Money Management Skills
CHAPTER 3 Taxes in Your Financial Plan
CHAPTER 4 Financial Services: Savings Plans and Payment Account
CHAPTER 5 Consumer Credit: Advantages, Disadvantages, Sources, and Costs
CHAPTER 6 Consumer Purchasing Strategies and Wise Buying of Motor Vehicles
CHAPTER 7 Selecting and Financing Housing
CHAPTER 8 Home and Automobile Insurance
CHAPTER 9 Health and Disability Income Insurance
CHAPTER 10 Financial Planning with Life Insurance
CHAPTER 11 Investing Basics and Evaluating Bonds
CHAPTER 12 Investing in Stocks
CHAPTER 13 Investing in Mutual Funds
CHAPTER 14 Starting Early: Retirement and Estate Planning
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