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Product Details:
The Sixth Edition goes beyond just adding the new language constructs of Java 8. The book’s exploration of this new language demonstrates a renaissance of functional ideas in modern programming. While functional programming isn’t new in principle, it’s seen a boost in popularity based on the current computer hardware available and the changing nature of projects programmers wish to tackle. Functional language constructs make it possible to efficiently automate currency, make use of multiple cores without much effort on the side of the programmer, are both more elegant and readable, and offer great potential in solving the issue of parallel hardware. Functional programming has become an essential part of the field, and Objects First with Java gives students a basic understanding of an area they’ll need to master in order to succeed in the future.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134477367
ISBN-13: 978-0134477367
ISBN-13: 9780134477367
Author: David Barnes, Michael Kolling
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Table of Content:
Part 1: Foundations of object orientation
1. Objects and classes
2. Understanding class definitions
3. Object interaction
4. Grouping objects
5. Functional Processing of Collections (Advanced)
6. More-sophisticated behavior
7. Fixed-size collections – arrays
8. Designing classes
9. Well-behaved objects
Part 2: Application structures
10. Improving structure with inheritance
11. More about inheritance
12. Further abstraction techniques
13. Building graphical user interfaces
14. Handling errors
15. Designing applications
16. A case study
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