This is completed downloadable of Psychology Canadian 5th Edition by Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Maryanne Garry, Deborah Saucier, Lorin Elias Solution Manual.
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Product Details:
The primary goal of this text is the integration of critical and scientific thinking into the fabric of the writing, The most important job being to help students learn to think like psychologists and to understand why scientific and critical thinking is so important to the decisions they make in their own lives.
Language: : English
ISBN-10 : 0205960359
ISBN-13 : 978-0205960354
ISBN-13 : 9780205960354
Author: Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Maryanne Garry, Deborah Saucier, Lorin Elias
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Table of Content:
Chapter 1: What Is Psychology?
Chapter 2: The Biological Perspective
Chapter 3: Genes, Evolution, and Environment
Chapter 4: The Brain and Nervous System
Chapter 5: Body Rhythms and Mental States
Chapter 6: Sensation and Perception
Chapter 7: Learning and Conditioning
Chapter 8: Behaviour in Social and Cultural Context
Chapter 9: Thinking and Intelligence
Chapter 10: Memory
Chapter 11: Emotion, Stress, and Health
Chapter 12: Motivation
Chapter 13: Development Over the Life Span
Chapter 14: Theories of Personality
Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders
Chapter 16: Approaches to Treatment and Therapy
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