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Product Details:
In this version of Psychology, Twelfth Edition, David Myers and Nathan DeWall break down the new edition’s 16 chapters into 53 modules, assignable in any sequence and brief enough to be read in one sitting. It’s a format favored by a wide range of students and instructors, one that’s supported by substantial research showing that students working with shorter reading assignments develop a deeper understanding of the material.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1319050611
ISBN-13: 978-1319050610
ISBN-13: 9781319050610
Author: David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall
psychology in modules 12th edition
psychology in modules 12th edition 9781319050610
psychology in modules 11th edition
psychology in modules 12th edition launchpad
psychology modules for active learning 14th edition
Table of content:
Introduction to the History and Science of Psychology
Module 1: The History and Scope of Psychology
Module 2: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science
Module 3: Research Strategies: How Psychologists Ask and Answer Questions
Neuroscience and Behavior
Module 4: Neural and Hormonal Systems
Module 5: The Brain
Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity
Module 6: Behavior Genetics and Evolutionary Psychology
Module 7: Environmental Influences on Behavior, and Reflections on Nature and Nurture
Development Through the Life Span
Module 8: Prenatal Development and the Newborn
Module 9: Infancy and Childhood
Module 10: Adolescence
Module 11: Adulthood, and Reflections on Developmental Issues
Sensation and Perception
Module 12: Introduction to Sensation and Perception
Module 13: Vision
Module 14: Hearing
Module 15: Other Senses
Module 16: Perceptual Organization
Module 17: Perceptual Interpretation
States of Consciousness
Module 18: Waking and Sleeping Rhythms
Module 19: Hypnosis
Module 20: Drugs and Consciousness
Module 21: Classical Conditioning
Module 22: Operant Conditioning
Module 23: Learning by Observation
Module 24: Introduction to Memory
Module 25: Encoding: Getting Information In
Module 26: Storage: Retaining Information
Module 27: Retrieval: Getting Information Out
Module 28: Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Applying Memory Principles to Your Own Education
Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Module 29: Thinking
Module 30: Language and Thought
Module 31: Introduction to Intelligence
Module 32: Assessing Intelligence
Module 33: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
Motivation and Work
Module 34: Introduction to Motivation
Module 35: Hunger
Module 36: Sexual Motivation and the Need to Belong
Module 37: Motivation at Work
Module 38: Introduction to Emotion
Module 39: Experienced Emotion
Module 40: Expressed Emotion
Stress and Health
Module 41: Stress and Illness
Module 42: Coping With Stress
Module 43: Modifying Illness-Related Behaviors
Module 44: Psychoanalytic Perspective
Module 45: Humanistic Perspective
Module 46: Contemporary Research on Personality
Psychological Disorders
Module 47: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Module 48: Anxiety Disorders
Module 49: Dissociative and Personality Disorders
Module 50: Mood Disorders
Module 51: Schizophrenia
Module 52: The Psychological Therapies
Module 53: Evaluating Psychotherapies
Module 54: The Biomedical Therapies
Social Psychology
Module 55: Social Thinking
Module 56: Social Influence
Module 57: Antisocial Relations
Module 58: Prosocial Relations
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