This is completed downloadable of Auditing A Risk-Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 9th Edition by Karla Johnstone, Audrey Gramling, Larry E. Rittenberg Solution Manual.

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Product Details:
Prepare your students for these changes by using Johnstone/Gramling/Rittenberg’s AUDITING: A RISK-BASED APPROACH TO CONDUCTING QUALITY AUDITS, 9th EDITION. AUDITING 9e reflects the clarified auditing standards and the newest PCAOB standards, discusses COSO’s updated Internal Control–Integrated Framework, integrates discussion of fraud risk throughout the text, and features entirely new and significantly revised end-of-chapter problems. In addition, students will gain valuable experience by using the professional ACL auditing software that is packaged with each new text. AUDITING 9e helps your students understand the full range of auditing issues in the evolving global environment.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1133939155
ISBN-13: 978-1133939153
ISBN-13: 9781133939153
Author: Karla Johnstone, Audrey Gramling, Larry E. Rittenberg
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Table of content:
1. Auditing: Integral to the Economy.
2. The Risk of Fraud and Mechanisms to Address Fraud: Regulation, Corporate Governance, and Audit Quality.
3. Internal Control over Financial Reporting Management’s Responsibilities and Importance to the External. Auditors
4. Professional Liability and the Need for Quality Auditor Judgments and Ethical Decisions.
5. Professional Auditing Standards and the Audit Opinion Formulation Process.
6. A Framework for Audit Evidence.
7. Planning the Audit: Identifying and Responding to the Risks of Material Misstatement.
8. Specialized Audit Tools: Sampling and Generalized Audit Software.
9. Auditing the Revenue Cycle.
0. Auditing Cash and Marketable Securities.
11. Auditing Inventory, Goods and Services, and Accounts Payable: The Acquisition and Payment Cycle.
12. Auditing Long-Lived Assets: Acquisition, Use, Impairment, and Disposal.
13. Auditing Debt Obligations and Stockholders’ Equity Transactions.
14. Activities Required in Completing a Quality Audit.
15. Audit Reports on Financial Statements.
16. Advanced Topics Concerning Complex Auditing Judgments.
17. Other Services Provided by Auditing Firms.
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