This is completed downloadable of Basic College Mathematics An Applied Approach 9th Edition by Richard N. Aufmann, Joanne Lockwood Solution Manual

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Product Details:
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1439046964
ISBN-13: 978-1439046968
ISBN-13: 9781439046968
Author: Richard N. Aufmann, Joanne Lockwood
Table of Content:
Chapter 1: Whole Numbers
1.1: Introduction to Whole Numbers (33)
1.2: Addition of Whole Numbers (60)
1.3: Subtraction of Whole Numbers (99)
1.4: Multiplication of Whole Numbers (84)
1.5: Division of Whole Numbers (89)
1.6: Exponential Notation and the Order of Operations Agreement (78)
1.7: Prime Numbers and Factoring (86)
1: Test (7)
Chapter 2: Fractions
2.1: The Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor (75)
2.2: Introduction to Fractions (64)
2.3: Writing Equivalent Fractions (77)
2.4: Addition of Fractions and Mixed Numbers (80)
2.5: Subtraction of Fractions and Mixed Numbers (64)
2.6: Multiplication of Fractions and Mixed Numbers (87)
2.7: Division of Fractions and Mixed Numbers (96)
2.8: Order, Exponents, and the Order of Operations Agreement (65)
2: Test (7)
Chapter 3: Decimals
3.1: Introduction to Decimals (33)
3.2: Addition of Decimals (27)
3.3: Subtraction of Decimals (33)
3.4: Multiplication of Decimals (97)
3.5: Division of Decimals (101)
3.6: Comparing and Converting Fractions and Decimals (72)
3: Test (7)
Chapter 4: Ratio and Proportion
4.1: Ratio (26)
4.2: Rates (18)
4.3: Proportions (48)
4: Test (7)
Chapter 5: Percents
5.1: Introduction to Percents (78)
5.2: Percent Equations: Part I (31)
5.3: Percent Equations: Part II (31)
5.4: Percent Equations: Part III (29)
5.5: Percent Problems: Proportion Method (26)
5: Test (7)
Chapter 6: Applications for Business and Consumers
6.1: Applications to Purchasing (19)
6.2: Percent Increase and Percent Decrease (22)
6.3: Interest (22)
6.4: Real Estate Expenses (13)
6.5: Car Expenses (13)
6.6: Wages (14)
6.7: Bank Statements (10)
6: Test (7)
Chapter 7: Statistics and Probability
7.1: Pictographs and Circle Graphs (18)
7.2: Bar Graphs and Broken-Line Graphs (12)
7.3: Histograms and Frequency Polygons (15)
7.4: Statistical Measures (16)
7.5: Introduction to Probability (13)
7: Test (7)
Chapter 8: U.S. Customary Units of Measurement
8.1: Length (29)
8.2: Weight (32)
8.3: Capacity (32)
8.4: Time (29)
8.5: Energy and Power (18)
8: Test (7)
Chapter 9: The Metric System of Measurement
9.1: Length (35)
9.2: Mass (32)
9.3: Capacity (31)
9.4: Energy (10)
9.5: Conversion Between the U.S. Customary and the Metric Systems of Measurement (17)
9: Test (7)
Chapter 10: Rational Numbers
10.1: Introduction to Integers (109)
10.2: Addition and Subtraction of Integers (80)
10.3: Multiplication and Division of Integers (109)
10.4: Operations with Rational Numbers (92)
10.5: Scientific Notation and the Order of Operations Agreement (94)
10: Test (7)
Chapter 11: Introduction to Algebra
11.1: Variable Expressions (126)
11.2: Introduction to Equations (70)
11.3: General Equations: Part I (96)
11.4: General Equations: Part II (104)
11.5: Translating Verbal Expressions into Mathematical Expressions (25)
11.6: Translating Sentences into Equations and Solving (30)
11: Test (7)
Chapter 12: Geometry
12.1: Angles, Lines, and Geometric Figures (34)
12.2: Plane Geometric Figures (21)
12.3: Area (24)
12.4: Volume (19)
12.5: The Pythagorean Theorem (22)
12.6: Similar and Congruent Triangles (12)
12: Test (7)
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