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Instant download Cengage Advantage Books The Politics of United States Foreign Policy 6th Edition by Jerel A.Rosati, James M.Scott Solution Manual pdf docx epub after payment.
Product Details:
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1133602150
ISBN-13: 978-1133602156
ISBN-13: 9781133602156
Author: Jerel A.Rosati, James M.Scott
Table of Content:
1. The Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy.
2. Historical Context and the Future of U.S. Global Power.
3. Presidential Power and Leadership.
4. The Bureaucracy, Presidential Management, and the National Security Council.
5. Understanding Bureaucracy: The State Department at Home and Abroad.
6. The Military Establishment.
7. The Intelligence Community.
8. Foreign Economics and the NEC.
9. Decisionmaking Theory and Foreign Policymaking.
10. Congress and Interbranch Politics.
11. The Public and Its Beliefs.
12. Group Politics.
13. The Media and the Communications Process.
14. Patterns, Change, and the Future of U.S. Foreign Policymaking.
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