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Product Details:
Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Feenstra and Taylor’s International Economics uses engaging applications to provide a modern view of the global economy for a modern audience. Most international economics textbooks emphasize theory and the economies of advanced countries. Feenstra and Taylor combine theoretical coverage with empirical evidence throughout, while reflecting the realities of the global economy by covering emerging markets and developing countries (India, China, Southeast Asia).
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1319061710
ISBN-13: 978-1319061715
ISBN-13: 9781319061715
Author: Robert C.Feenstra , Alan M.Taylor
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Table of Content:
PART 1 Introduction to International Trade
Chapter 1 Trade in the Global Economy
PART 2 Patterns of International Trade
Chapter 2 Trade and Technology: The Ricardian Model
Chapter 3 Gains and Losses from Trade in the Specific-Factors Model
Chapter 4 Trade and Resources: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between Countries
PART 3 New Explanations for International Trade
Chapter 6 Increasing Returns to Scale and Monopolistic Competition
Chapter 7 Offshoring of Goods and Services
PART 4 International Trade Policies
Chapter 8 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Perfect Competition
Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition
Chapter 10 Export Subsidies in Agriculture and High-Technology Industries
Chapter 11 International Agreements: Trade, Labor, and the Environment
PART 5 Introduction to International Macroeconomics
Chapter 12 The Global Macroeconomy
PART 6 Exchange Rates
Chapter 13 Introduction to Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter 14 Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run
Chapter 15 Exchange Rates II: The Asset Approach in the Short Run
PART 7 The Balance of Payments
Chapter 16 National and International Accounts: Income, Wealth, and the Balance of Payments
Chapter 17 Balance of Payments I: The Gains from Financial Globalization
Chapter 18 Balance of Payments II: Output, Exchange Rates, and Macroeconomic Policies in the Short Run
PART 8 Applications and Policy Issues
Chapter 19 Fixed versus Floating: International Monetary Experience
Chapter 20 Exchange Rate Crises: How Pegs Work and How They Break
Chapter 21 The Euro
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