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Product Details:
Guell’s Issues in Economics Today presents economic theory brought to life through current issues with an engaging, conversational style. The 7th edition includes 8 theory chapters introducing the core topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics, and a selection of 35 short issues chapters, from which instructors can pick and choose the issues of most interest to their students. This format allows maximum flexibility for instructors to lay a foundation of theory first or dive right into coverage of today’s current issues. In addition, issues can be organised along themes such as social policy, election year issues, international issues, and business issues, or combined with outside content. Guell’s 7th edition provides content that is timely and relevant for students, flexible enough to fit any course design.
Language: : English
ISBN-10 : 0078021812
ISBN-13 : 978-0078021817
ISBN-13 : 9780078021817
Author: Robert Guell
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Table of Content:
I. Theory Chapters
1: Economics: The Study of Opportunity Cost
2: Supply and Demand
3: Elasticity, Consumer Surplus, and Producer Surplus
4: Interest Rates and Present Value
5: Production and Costs
6: Perfect Competition and Monopoly
7: Macroeconomic Vocabulary
8: Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
II. Issue Chapters
Part 1: Macroeconomic Issues
9: Federal Spending
10: Federal Deficits, Surpluses, and the National Debt
11: Fiscal Policy
12: Monetary Policy
13: Overstatement of the Cost of Living by the CPI
Part 2: International Issues
14: International Trade
15: International Monetary Fund
16: NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO
Part 3: Externalities and Market Failure
17: Drugs and Prostitution
18: Tobacco and Alcohol
19: Environment
Part 4: Health Issues
20: Health Care
21: Medicare
22: Prescription Drugs
Part 5: Governmental Solutions to Societal Problems
23: Crime
24: Education
25: Poverty and Welfare
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