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Product Details:
Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding, 3ce, teaches students how to test their assumptions, and motivates them to use scientific thinking skills to better understand the field of psychology in their everyday lives. By applying scientific thinking, students can more intelligently evaluate claims about both laboratory research and daily life. In the end, students will emerge with the “psychological smarts,” or open-minded skepticism, needed to distinguish psychological misinformation from credible, useful psychological information.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134379098
ISBN-13: 978-0134379098
ISBN-13: 9780134379098
Author: Scott O.Lilienfeld, Steven J.Lynn, Laura L.Namy, Nancy J.Woolf, Kenneth M.Cramer, Rodney Schmaltz
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Table of content:
1 Psychology and Scientific Thinking
2 Research Methods
3 Biological Psychology
4 Sensation and Perception
5 Consciousness
6 Learning
7 Memory
8 Language, Thinking, and Reasoning
9 Intelligence and IQ Testing
10 Human Development
11 Emotion and Motivation
12 Stress, Coping, and Health
13 Social Psychology
14 Personality
15 Psychological Disorders
16 Psychological and Biomedical Treatments
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