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Product Details:
This popular brief edition text maintains the framework of the Wilson, DiIulio, and Bose complete text, emphasizing the historical development of the American political system, who governs, and to what ends. Completely up to date, AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: BRIEF VERSION, Eleventh Edition offers new coverage of such key and emerging issues as the 2012 campaigns and elections; leadership of President Obama and the 112th Congress; the economic downturn and ensuing policies; healthcare reform; foreign relations with North Korea and Iran; the war in Afghanistan; and more.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1133594379
ISBN-13: 978-1133594376
ISBN-13: 9781133594376
Author: James Q. Wilson, Jr. John J. DiIulio, Meena Bose
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Table of Content:
1. What Should We Know About American Government?
2. The Constitution.
3. Civil Liberties.
4. Civil Rights.
5. Federalism.
6. Public Opinion and the Media.
7. Political Parties and Interest Groups.
8. Campaigns and Elections.
9. Congress.
10. The Presidency.
11. The Bureaucracy.
12. The Judiciary.
13. Making Domestic Policy.
14. Making Foreign and Military Policy.
15. How American Government Has Changed.
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