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Product Details:
An up-to-date introduction to the profession of audiology, Introduction to Audiology Today is written to stimulate the student’s interest and excitement in audiology or speech-language pathology as a career choice. Chapters on hearing science covering essential information about sound and auditory anatomy/physiology include helpful figures and readable explanations of recent research findings.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780205569236
ISBN-13: 978-0205569236
ISBN-13: 9780205569236
Author: James W. Hall
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Solution Manual for Introduction to Audiology Today 1st Edition Hall 9780205569236
Table of Content:
Part 1: Profession and Principles of Audiology
Chapter 1: Audiology Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Chapter 2: Sound, Acoustics, and Psychoacoustics
Chapter 3: Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems
Part 2: Audiology Procedures and Protocols
Chapter 4: Preparing for Hearing Assessment
Chapter 5: Pure Tone Audiometry
Chapter 6: Speech Audiometry
Chapter 7: Masking and Audiogram Interpretation
Chapter 8: Electro-Acoustic Measures
Chapter 9: Special Speech Audiometry Tests and Auditory Evoked Responses
Chapter 10: Differential Diagnosis of Auditory and Vestibular Disorders
Part 3: Patient Populations
Chapter 11: Outer, Middle, and Inner Ear Disorders
Chapter 12: We Hearing With Our Brain: Retrocochlear and Central Nervous System Dysfunction and Disorders
Part 4: Audiologic Management Technology and Techniques
Chapter 13: Audiologic Habilitation/Rehabilitation: Technology
Chapter 14: Audiologic Habilitation/Rehabilitation: Techniques
Chapter 15: Pseudohypacusis, Tinnitus, and Hyperacusis
Chapter 16: Management Strategies in Specific Patient Populations
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