This is completed downloadable of Living Democracy Brief National Edition 1st Edition by Daniel M. Shea Test Bank.

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Product Details:
Living Democracy gets students to participate in learning, in the classroom, and in change. The book’s young and energetic author team cares deeply about student learning and student engagement.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0558228607
ISBN-13: 978-0558228606
ISBN-13: 9780558228606
Author: Daniel M. Shea
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Table of Content:
1 American Government: Democracy in Action
2 Early Governance and the Constitutional Framework
3 Federalism
4 The Judiciary
5 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights6 Congress
7 The Presidency
8 Bureaucracy
9 Political Socialization and Public Opinion
10 The Politics of the Media
11 Interest Groups, Social movements, and Civil Engagement
12 Elections and Political Participation in America
13 Political Parties
14 Domestic and Foreign Policy Development
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