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Product Details:
NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY, 9th Edition, is unique in its organization by diets rather than by organ systems or disease states and distinguishes itself through rich pedagogical features that require students to apply their knowledge as they learn it. This text provides core nutrition concepts and up-to-date clinical content at a level that is accessible to the range of health care team members who are responsible for a client’s nutrition needs. NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY provides the basic facts and a wealth of practical information readers need to assume their responsibility for nutrition care.
Language: : English
ISBN-10: 1305110404
ISBN-13: 978-1305110403
ISBN-13: 9781305110403
Author: Linda Kelly DeBruyne, Kathryn Pinna, Eleanor Noss Whitney
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Table of Content:
1. Overview of Nutrition and Health.
Nutrition in Practice: Finding the Truth about Nutrition.
2. Carbohydrates.
Nutrition in Practice: The Glycemic Index in Nutrition Practice.
3. Lipids.
Nutrition in Practice: Figuring Out Fats.
4. Protein.
Nutrition in Practice: Vegetarian Diets.
5. Digestion and Absorption.
Nutrition in Practice: Food Safety.
6. Metabolism, Energy Balance, and Body Composition.
Nutrition in Practice: Eating Disorders.
7. Weight Management: Overweight and Underweight.
Nutrition in Practice: Fad Diets.
8. The Vitamins.
Nutrition in Practice: Phytochemicals and Functional Foods.
9. Water and the Minerals.
Nutrition in Practice: Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.
10. Fitness and Nutrition.
Nutrition in Practice: Supplements and Ergogenic Aids Athletes Use.
11. Nutrition through the Life Span: Pregnancy and Lactation.
Nutrition in Practice: Encouraging Successful Breastfeeding.
12. Nutrition through the Life Span: Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence.
Nutrition in Practice: Childhood Obesity and the Early Development of Chronic Diseases.
13. Nutrition through the Life Span: Later Adulthood.
Nutrition in Practice: Hunger and Community Nutrition.
14. Illness and Nutrition Care.
Nutrition in Practice: Nutritional Genomics.
15. Medications, Diet-Drug Interactions, and Herbal Supplements.
Nutrition in Practice: Complementary and Alternative Therapies.
16. Specialized Nutrition Support: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition.
Nutrition in Practice: Inborn Errors of Metabolism.
17. Foods and Food Consistency for Upper GI Disorders.
Nutrition in Practice: Nutrition and Oral Health.
18. Fiber-Modified Diets for Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders.
Nutrition in Practice: Probiotics and Intestinal Health.
19. Carbohydrate- and Fat-Modified Diets for Malabsorption Disorders.
Nutrition in Practice: Anemia in Illness.
20. Nutrition Therapy for Liver and Gallbladder Diseases.
Nutrition in Practice: Alcohol in Health and Disease.
21. Carbohydrate-Controlled Diets for Diabetes Mellitus.
Nutrition in Practice: The Metabolic Syndrome.
22. Fat-Controlled, Mineral-Modified Diets for Cardiovascular Diseases.
Nutrition in Practice: Helping People with Feeding Disabilities.
23. Protein-, Mineral-, and Fluid-Modified Diets for Kidney Diseases.
Nutrition in Practice: Dialysis.
24. Energy- and Protein-Modified Diets for Metabolic and Respiratory Stress.
Nutrition in Practice: Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome.
25. Energy- and Protein-Modified Diets for Cancer and HIV Infection.
Nutrition in Practice: Ethical Issues in Nutrition Care.
Appendix A: Table of Food Composition.
Appendix B: WHO: Nutrition Recommendations; Canada: Guidelines and Meal Planning.
Appendix C: Exchange Lists for Diabetes.
Appendix D: Physical Activity and Energy Requirements.
Appendix E: Nutrition Assessment: Supplemental Information.
Appendix F: Aids to Calculations.
Appendix G: Enteral Formulas.
Appendix H: Answers to Self-Check Questions.
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