This is completed downloadable of Psychology Majors Companion 1st Edition by Dana S. Dunn, Jane S.Halonen Test Bank.

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Product Details:
Designed to help both prospective and current psychology students know what to expect from the undergraduate degree, the larger discipline, and the career opportunities beyond university. The new edition gives students a map to planning their career in psychology. The authors include helpful skill-related tips, how to decide on options for course study, and how to apply to university or get a job with an undergraduate degree.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1319021433
ISBN-13: 978-1319021436
ISBN-13: 9781319021436
Author: Dana S. Dunn, Jane S.Halonen
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Table of content:
1. College and Psychology
2. The Nature of Psychology and the Psychology Major
3. Should You Major in Psychology?
4. Building Psychology-Related Skills
5. Hitting Your Stride as a Student
6. Charting Your Course in the Major
7. Doing Psychological Research from Start to Finish
8. Using Psychology to Improve Leadership
9. What Options Are There for Students with a B.A. or B.S. in Psychology?
10. What Can You Do with an Advanced Degree in Psychology?
11. How Do You Apply and Get Into Graduate Programs in Psychology?
12. Keeping Connected to Psychology
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