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Product Details:
Virtually all students enter Introductory Psychology with preconceived notionsmany of them incorrect. Psychology: Perspectives and Connections is designed to move students beyond what may seem obvious to them, to have them reevaluate the thoughts and beliefs they bring to the course. Feist & Rosenberg challenge students: Dont believe everything you think! Students are encouraged to think critically and question preconceived notions, putting their ideasand the ideas of othersto the test and understand that no one perspective tells the whole story.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0077861876
ISBN-13: 978-0077861872
ISBN-13: 9780077861872
Author: Gregory Feist, Erika Rosenberg
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Table of Content:
1 Introduction to Psychology
2 Conducting Research in Psychology
3 The Biology of Behavior
4 Sensing and Perceiving Our World
5 Human Development
6 Consciousness
7 Memory
8 Learning
9 Language and Thought
10 Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Creativity
11 Motivation and Emotion
12 Stress and Health
13 Personality: The Uniqueness of the Individual
14 Social Behavior
15 Psychological Disorders
16 Treatment of Psychological Disorders
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