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Product Details:
Real Communication uses stories from real people and the world around us to present the best and most lively introduction to communication concepts. Professors and students alike have fallen in love with Real Communications down-to-earth writing style, its coverage of research, and its wealth of learning and teaching tools. They also appreciate how Real Communication strives to weave the disciplines different strands together with the CONNECT feature that shows students how concepts work and apply across interpersonal, small group, and public speaking contexts.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1457662922
ISBN-13: 978-1457662928
ISBN-13: 9781457662928
Author: Dan O’Hair, Mary Wiemann, Dorothy Imrich Mullin, Jason Teven
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Table of Content:
Part One: Basic Communication Processes
Chapter 1: Communication: Essential Human Behavior
Chapter 2: Perceiving the Self and Others
Chapter 3: Communication and Culture
Chapter 4: Verbal Communication
Chapter 5: Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 6: Listening
Part Two: Interpersonal Communication
Chapter 7: Developing and Maintaining Relationships
Chapter 8: Managing Conflict in Relationships
Part Three: Group Communication
Chapter 9: Communicating in Groups
Chapter 10: Leadership and Decision Making in Groups
Chapter 11: Communicating in Organizations
Part Four: Public Speaking
Chapter 12: Preparing and Researching Presentations
Chapter 13: Organizing, Outlining, and Writing Presentations
Chapter 14: Delivering Presentations
Chapter 15: Informative Speaking
Chapter 16: Persuasive Speaking
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