This is completed downloadable of Precalculus Graphs and Models A Right Triangle Approach 6th Edition by Marvin Bittinger, Judith Beecher, David Ellenbogen and Judith Penna Test Bank.
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Product Details:
The Graphs and Models series by Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen, and Penna is known for helping students “see the math” through its focus on visualization and technology. These texts continue to maintain the features that have helped students succeed for years: focus on functions, visual emphasis, side-by-side algebraic and graphical solutions, and real-data applications. With the Sixth Edition, visualization is taken to a new level with technology, and students find even more ongoing review.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134179056
ISBN-13: 978-0134179056
ISBN-13: 9780134179056
Author: Marvin Bittinger, Judith Beecher, David Ellenbogen and Judith Penna
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Table of Content:
1. Graphs, Functions, and Models
2. More on Functions
3. Quadratic Functions and Equations; Inequalities
4. Polynomial Functions and Rational Functions
5. Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions
6. The Trigonometric Functions
7. Trigonometric Identities, Inverse Functions, and Equations
8. Applications of Trigonometry
9. Systems of Equations and Matrices
10. Analytic Geometry Topics
11. Sequences, Series, and Combinatorics
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